There is a regulatory requirement for organisations to engage competent staff, with the necessary skills and knowledge, to be able to undertake safety critical tasks (SCT), in order to prevent major incidents and/or minimise the consequences of an incident/accident
During this Course, the attendees will learn what is expected of them, as Workplace Assessors, the key steps in the assessment process and the skills required to become an effective Assessor
The attendees will be involved in activities to help them:
- Prepare to Assess
- Plan Assessments
- Assess candidate performance & knowledge
- Confirm progression and achievement
Course activities will include:
- Introduction to Competency
- Direct and indirect Competence Assessment
- Indirect Assessment (e.g. Discussions)
- Defining the assessment process
- Generating evidence quality
- Types and use of questions
- Communication Skills
- Assessment Case Studies
- Knowledge examination/questionnaire
- Building a Portfolio of Evidence
- The assessment decision